Transferring a project to the controller

To transfer the project to the controller by means of PLCnext Engineer, proceed as follows:

  • Double-click the controller node in the PLANT area.

The controller editor group opens.

  • Select the Cockpit editor.
  • Click on the Button Projekt schreiben und ausführen button (Write and start projectF5).
    Note: If user authentication is enabled, authentication with a user name and password is required in order to execute this function. The function can only be executed by users whose user roles have the necessary authorization. If you do not have the necessary authorization to execute the function, PLCnext Engineer informs you of this in a message.
    User authentication is enabled by default. You can disable user authentication via the User authentication.

The project is compiled, transferred to the controller, and executed.

Download Changes

The controller supports the Download Changes function. With the Download Changes function, program changes can be transferred to the controller during operation without interruption.

This is subject to the following conditions:

  • You have not made any changes to the bus configuration.
  • You have not changed the process data assignment.
  • You have not changed the properties of the existing tasks (e.g., task type, interval, watchdog).
  • You have not deleted any tasks or added any new tasks.
  • You have not made any changes to a program in high-level language.

For IEC 61131-3 languages programming with PLCnext Engineer you can use the Write and start project changes command (Shift-F5). See the Write changes description in the PLCnext Engineer Online Help for all details.

For thorough explanation on differences between the four different Write commands, read the Cockpit description in the PLCnext Engineer Online Help, or watch the tutorial video

Possible errors

Downloading a whole project or just changes can be refused or can fail for reasons.

Then, one of these notifications will be sent:

  • PLCnext Engineer Warning icon Warning of type Arp.Plc.Domain.DownloadChanges.Refused:
    The operation could not be performed (e.g. not possible in real-time operation) or is not supported due to improper preconditions (e.g., task configuration has changed). Try downloading the whole project (not just changes) by means of Write and start project command, F5.
    Note: Even though the operation was not performed at all, the refusal notification is sent with just a Warning severity. After all, downloading the changes failed and changes will not be effective unless they have been downloaded successfully. The program will be executed without changes.
  • PLCnext Engineer Error icon Error of type Arp.Plc.Domain.DownloadChanges.Failed:
    The project is erroneous and needs debugging. Changes will not be effective unless they have been downloaded successfully. The program will be executed without changes.
    Trying to download the whole project (not just changes) without rectifying the error would result in the following error:
  • PLCnext Engineer Error icon Error of type Arp.Plc.Domain.Plc.Failed
    The project is erroneous and needs debugging. The program will not be executed.



• Published/reviewed: 2024-08-08   ☀  Revision 071 •