Crickets Automation snc


Who is Crickets Automation?

Pioneers in Industrial Automation – Crickets Automation Snc, an all-Italian company, has been at the forefront of industrial automation since 1991. Their passionate team of engineers and developers creates cutting-edge automation software. With a focus on Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), they’ve revolutionized production processes. It offers a suite of products that allow users to acquire, unify, and distribute data from different sources, such as machines, sensors, and databases. Crickets Automation aims to provide value-added information that can help users make faster and better decisions.

Crickets Automation and PLCnext Technology

Crickets Automation’s partnership with PLCnext Technology amplifies their impact. By integrating their solutions with PLCnext Control, they bridge the gap between machines and data. Their expertise in innovative remote monitoring solutions enhances industrial automation and IIoT.

xVision IOT is an intelligent gateway that captures data from machines via standard protocols such as OPC UA, MQTT, Modbus Tcp and restful API. Applied to PLCnext Technology,  it allows you to create amazing  modern web operator interfaces, that can be displayed on any device at any time.