The Tankerkönig API provides easy access to the current fuel prices of all registered gas stations in Germany. All 14,000+ petrol stations in Germany must report the prices for Super E5, Super E10 and diesel to this department of the Federal Cartel Office in a timely manner. Access to this data is only possible through this authority for licensed fuel price information services. So that other users such as developers of apps, websites, etc. can use this data, there is the free API from Tankerkönig. Tankerkö has decided to release its API in order to make the gained experience available to others in the sense of the open data concept.
With the Tankerkönig cloudservice API and PLCnext Control you can easily visualize and analyze the real-time prices of your local petrol stations.
In the appendix you will find a small step by step guide on how to use the Cloudservice API in connection with a PLCnext Control and NodRed. Have fun trying!

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