Makers Blog API gRPC PLCnext Technology Python

gRPC Python – Read and Write Process Data

nilshettig 12 August 2022 min. read
1,474 views 2 comments

This article describes how to access and write simple process data with Python with an AXC F 3152 utilizing gRPC. (


First we have to prepare the required files, outside the PLC, e.g., on a Windows machine.

  1. Install Python 3.9 (3.10 may cause errors)
  2. Install the required Python package to generate code from the .proto files: pip install grpcio-tools==1.36.1
  3. Download and unzip the repository containing the .proto files from

Generate and from .proto Files

Next, we have to generate the required python files from the provided .proto files. The latter are located in the following folder: gRPC-master/protobuf.

Use this code to create a Python script in the Folder gRPC-master, e.g., The script

  1. generates the required files and place them in gRPC-master/pxc_grpc
  2. adapt the import paths

import glob
import os
from pathlib import Path

# create the output directory
Path('pxc_grpc').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

grpc_command_base = 'python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I./protobuf --python_out=pxc_grpc --grpc_python_out=pxc_grpc '

import_paths = set()

# generate the * and * files
for filename in glob.iglob('./protobuf/**', recursive=True):

    if filename.endswith('.proto'):
        # store the import path
        path_parts = filename.split(os.sep)

        grpc_command = ''.join([grpc_command_base, os.path.join('.', os.path.relpath(filename))])
        stream = os.popen(grpc_command)
        output =
        if output != '':
            print(''.join(['error/info for file ', os.path.relpath(filename), ' - ', output]))

# get the python files in the base directory
base_pys = set()

for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk('./pxc_grpc'):
    for f in filenames:

# reformat the stored paths to adapt the import statements

import_paths = list(import_paths)

# adapt the imports
for filename in glob.iglob('./pxc_grpc/**', recursive=True):

    if filename.endswith('.py'):

        new_lines = []

        with open(filename, 'r') as file:
            lines = file.readlines()
            for line in lines:
                if line.startswith('from'):
                    for import_path in import_paths:
                        if import_path in line:
                            line = line.replace(import_path, ''.join(['pxc_grpc.', import_path]), 1)
                elif line.startswith('import'):
                    parts = line.split()
                    if parts[1] in base_pys:
                        line = line.replace('import', 'from pxc_grpc import')

        with open(filename, 'w') as file:

Open a shell and execute the script: pyton

Create a PLCnext Demo Project

The shown project should only demonstrate how the gRPC interface interacts with the GDS. Feel free to use an existing project instead. For an individual project, you have to edit the port names in the following Python script accordingly, e.g., Arp.Plc.Eclr/MainInstance.strInput.


Prepare the PLC

Install pip to manage your Python packages:

  1. Connect the AXC F 3152 controller to the Internet.
  2. Enter the command curl -o
  3. Then enter the command python3

Install the required packages: pip install grpcio protobuf==3.20.0

Create a folder 'grpc_test' in the projects directory (/opt/plcnext/projects/).

Copy the 'pxc_grpc' folder, containing the crated Python files to 'grpc_test', e.g., with WinSCP.

Create a Python script in the 'grpc_test' folder named '' and insert the following code:

import grpc
from pxc_grpc.Plc.Gds.IDataAccessService_pb2 import IDataAccessServiceReadSingleRequest, \
    IDataAccessServiceReadRequest, IDataAccessServiceWriteSingleRequest, IDataAccessServiceWriteRequest
from pxc_grpc.Plc.Gds.IDataAccessService_pb2_grpc import IDataAccessServiceStub
from pxc_grpc.Plc.Gds.WriteItem_pb2 import WriteItem

def write_single_string(stub, port_name, value):
    single_write_request = IDataAccessServiceWriteSingleRequest() = port_name = 19 = value

    return stub.WriteSingle(single_write_request)

def write_single_int(stub, port_name, value):
    single_write_request = IDataAccessServiceWriteSingleRequest() = port_name = 6 = value

    return stub.WriteSingle(single_write_request)

def write_multiple_values(stub):

    write_request = IDataAccessServiceWriteRequest()

    wi1 = WriteItem()
    wi1.PortName = 'Arp.Plc.Eclr/MainInstance.strInput'
    wi1.Value.StringValue = "test1"
    wi1.Value.TypeCode = 19
    wi2 = WriteItem()
    wi2.PortName = 'Arp.Plc.Eclr/MainInstance.strInput2'
    wi2.Value.StringValue = "test2"
    wi2.Value.TypeCode = 19

    # add multiple WriteItems at once[wi1, wi2])

    # add WriteItems separately

    return stub.Write(write_request)

def read_single_value(stub, port_name):

    single_read_request = IDataAccessServiceReadSingleRequest()

    return stub.ReadSingle(single_read_request)

def read_multiple_values(stub, port_names):

    read_request = IDataAccessServiceReadRequest()

    return stub.Read(read_request)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # create channel and stub
    channel = grpc.insecure_channel('unix:/run/plcnext/grpc.sock')
    stub = IDataAccessServiceStub(channel)

    print(write_single_string(stub, 'Arp.Plc.Eclr/MainInstance.strInput', 'test123'))
    print(write_single_int(stub, 'Arp.Plc.Eclr/MainInstance.iInput', 18))


    r = read_single_value(stub, 'Arp.Plc.Eclr/MainInstance.strInput')

    r = read_multiple_values(stub, ['Arp.Plc.Eclr/MainInstance.iInput', 'Arp.Plc.Eclr/MainInstance.strInput'])
    for value in r._ReturnValue:
        print(value, value.Value.TypeCode)

Connect your PLC to PLCnext Engineer, download the project and start the live view.

Run the Example

Now start the example. Login on the PLC via ssh and navigate to 'grpc_test', then start the Python script:

  1. cd projects/grpc_test/
  2. python3

The gRPC enables interaction with GDS variables.

Data Types

To read and write variables, the data type is required, e.g., wi1.Value.TypeCode = 19. The types are described in the genereated file gRPC-master/pxc_grpc/ starting in line 242:

CT_None = 0
CT_End = 0
CT_Void = 1
CT_Boolean = 2
CT_Char = 3
CT_Int8 = 4
CT_Uint8 = 5
CT_Int16 = 6
CT_Uint16 = 7
CT_Int32 = 8
CT_Uint32 = 9
CT_Int64 = 10
CT_Uint64 = 11
CT_Real32 = 12
CT_Real64 = 13
CT_Struct = 18
CT_String = 19
CT_Utf8String = 19
CT_Array = 20
CT_DateTime = 23
CT_Version = 24
CT_Guid = 25
CT_AnsiString = 26
CT_Object = 28
CT_Utf16String = 30
CT_Stream = 34
CT_Enumerator = 35
CT_SecureString = 36
CT_Enum = 37
CT_Dictionary = 38
CT_SecurityToken = 39
CT_Exception = 40
CT_IecTime = 41
CT_IecTime64 = 42
CT_IecDate = 43
CT_IecDate64 = 44
CT_IecDateTime = 45
CT_IecDateTime64 = 46
CT_IecTimeOfDay = 47
CT_IecTimeOfDay64 = 48

The corresponding value variables, e.g., r._ReturnValue.Value.StringValue, could be found in the same file, beginning in line 365, e.g., BoolValue, Int8Value, StringValue.


The Makers Blog shows applications and user stories of community members that are not tested or reviewed by Phoenix Contact. Use them at your own risk.


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b.kuipers 25.11.2022

Hello, I was trying to run this example, but I recieved the following error when trying to run the scripy on the PLC: ImportError: cannot import name 'cygrpc' from 'grpc._cython' (/opt/plcnext/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/grpc/_cython/ Any idea what this could be?

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Nils Hettig 28.11.2022

Hello, I am sorry the example did not work as expected. I recently tested it with an AXC F 3152 with firmware 2022.0.8 LTS. Since you are using python 3.10, I am assuming you are using a newer firmware version. Probably the different python version causes the error. 2022.0.8 LTS comes with python 3.8.11. Could you please provide the model and firmware version of your controller?

m256 28.08.2023

Hello, I'm facing the same problem as B. Kuipers. I'm using an AXC F 2152 with FW 2022.0.4, that includes python 3.8. Could you please provide the requirements.txt file? I hope that behavior is only related to the version of installed packages. Thanks, Marcello

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Martin PLCnext Team 08.09.2023

Hi Marcello, perhaps Nils (the author) can give you some tips. The latest general recommendation is to develop python applications in an OCI (docker) container, based on (for example) arm32v7/python. This will help to isolate your application from the PLCnext Control firmware, which will hopefully help with problems like this.

Nils Hettig 14.09.2023

Hello Marcello, unfortunately there seems to exist some problems regarding the package grpcio for ARM processors for newer Python releases. Perhaps you could use a container with Python <= 3.6. In my opinion, it would be simpler to use the REST interface with an AXC F 2152 to access GDS data.

m256 19.09.2023

Hello Martin, hello Nils, Thank you both for your answers. @Nils I've already used REST interface in some applications, but the end user has to provide credentials if the authentication is enabled. Python + cURL, running inside the PLC, was a good solution to read/write GDS variables without credentials even if authentication is enabled. I'll try using OCI container. @Martin: would it require credentials? Thanks, Marcello

m256 19.09.2023

*not cURL, but gRPC!

Martin PLCnext Team 25.09.2023

The question was: Does a gRPC client running in an OCI container on the same PLCnext Control device require credentials? The answer is - you will be using exactly the same mechanism to access the gRPC server on the device, whether inside a container or not - that is, via a Unix Domain Socket that is mapped to a socket in the container. So the authentication mechanism will remain the same.

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