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Command Line Tools 

Command Line Tools  A Command Line Tools app part makes it possible to integrate functionalities (cmd tools) into a system that are usable via the command line and that can be started from a shell without specifying the full path to the tool executable binary. Necessary additions… Read More

Configuration of the PLCnext Runtime Services 

Configuration of the PLCnext Runtime Services  If you need access or sometimes exclusive access to PLCnext System Services in your app or a PLCnext System Service is not allowed to be running when your app run, you can state this in the “plcnextservices” field of the app_info.json. This… Read More

Linux Daemons 

Linux Daemons  A (Linux) Daemon can be integrated into a system in the form of an app. After its activation, it is entered into the Linux system start and started independently of the runtime. A daemon that is independent of the runtime is called a “Linux Daemon”. Read More

PLCnext Engineer Solution 

PLCnext Engineer Solution  A PLCnext Engineer Solution contains a complete PLCnext Engineer project configuration as an app part. PLCnext Engineer Solution is called in the following solution. The user of a solution does not need any programming knowledge to use the app. A solution is transferred directly from the PLCnext Store… Read More

Shared Libraries 

Shared Libraries  It can happen that an exe file integrated in the app container, such as a Command Line Tool, brings its own Shared Libraries with it and needs them for its execution. Such Shared Libraries can be integrated into the app container and made known to the… Read More

PLCnext Extensions

PLCnext Extensions Extensions of the runtime can be integrated into a system in the form of an app. With a PLCnext Extension, the runtime can be extended by the following elements: A process dependent on the runtime (process) A component (component) A Shared Library (library),… Read More


File-/Data-Storage  The files of an app container are unpacked into a read only filesystem mounted via SquashFS, so that the apps cannot save/store data/files in their installation directory at runtime.   The app description can be used to specify whether a persistent and/or temporary location is… Read More


Metadata  The app description file must contain a JSON object with the name “plcnextapp”, which describes the properties of the PLCnext App: { “plcnextapp”: { “name”: ““, “identifier”: ““, “version”: ““, “target”: ““, “minfirmware_version”: ““, “manufacturer”: ““, “licensetype”: “”… Read More

Example of a complete app_info.json 

Example of a complete app_info.json  The following shows the contents of an app description file in which all types of app parts are configured by way of example: { “plcnextapp”: {       “name”: “Full Multipart App”,       “identifier”: “00000000000000”,       “version”: “Full20.0 (112.12 DemoVersion)”,       “target”:… Read More

App parts

App parts The app container can contain various app parts. This allows different app types to be implemented. The app parts are entered as optional entries in the app description. If these parts are present, the PLCnext Runtime (AppManager) reacts accordingly. The app description file must contain… Read More