
AI-based image classification using TensorFlow Lite and Python


Discover how you can make use of Python and TensorFlow on your PLCnext Control for object recognition or image classification tasks.

Prior knowledge

  • Some knowledge on Python with PLCnext Engineer is advantageous.
  • Some basics on IEC 61131 programming is advantageous.




No requirements


Duration: ca. 1,5h

  1. Basics of computational models for AI-based image recognition and classification
  2. TensorFlow Lite Introduction
  3. How to train a model for image recognition
  4. How to deploy the model using Python and a PLCnext Control
  5. Use of the TensorFlow Lite App to explore further possibilities
  6. Q&A


After this webinar you will know how to create and deploy your own TensorFlow Lite models in your PLCnext Control.

About the speaker

Pedro Aguilar is a technical trainer in the Industry Management and Automation team.

AI-based image classification using TensorFlow Lite and Python
Language: English
01 August 2024
2:00 pm (CET)
Speaker: Pedro Aguilar
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